Sunday, July 12, 2020


Each of us humans consists of infinite constellations of consciousness matrices. We can and do "jack into" a consciousness matrix. A finite cluster of matrices tightly adjacent make up our usual matrix habitat. We call this cluster our "self."An extension of this cluster we call "the world." Though we inhabit this cluster, we generally consider it as "not us." We draw lines of demarcation.

In essence, we light up certain matrices and hang our cosmic hats there. Though an infinite number of matrices abound, a teeming cosmos, they are dark to us. Why? Because we lack the verge, the initiative to venture out. We are like baby birds in a semi-fouled nest, clinging to familiarity, afraid to fly.

We hear the sounds, catch the visions of nearby realms, yet sit firmly, semi-fearful, identifying more with our anuses and mouths than with our wings.

The veil is thinnest in the midnight hours, they say. According to Kabbalistic lore, this is when God speaks. And what is the voice of God but the calling of nearby matrices inviting us to open into and inhabit/occupy their realms?

Rather than thinking of my boyhood experience as an OBE, think of it as a venture into a nearby consciousness matrix. I find this more realistic, more satisfying, than to label it a mystical experience. No. A nearby consciousness realm called and I went, jacked into.

OBE terminology is useful however. What is the body but a spaceport for venturing into further realms? A place from which to leap. The Buddha was/is right. Being born into a body is a unique opportunity for consciousness change. A transfer station.

"Con mat" may be a useful short hand for consciousness matrix. After all, in a certain sense, it is a con job by which we are taken to the mat.

Humans have been tortured, crucified, hanged, buried alive for the particular consciousness matrix they occupied and its variance from the con mat of those with physical power. Some con mats simply cannot accept that other con mats are also valid and real. This still goes on. There are tribal con mats to which we swear allegiance. No new news here. Song: "Stuck in a con mat with you."

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