Sunday, July 12, 2020

Labor Day 2017

A dance is not a dance until it is seen as a dance.  

Language is the seen. No language, no seen. Language creates seen.

Raw experience is not even raw experience until language says it is.

Raw experience is dance.

True dance is Forget You.

Remember You is institutional dance. Now you are in the Dance Hall.

The Dance Hall is what makes a dance a dance.

Outside the Dance Hall is no dance.

What is it? As soon as you say, it is confined.

To be sure, there are elegant Dance Halls, but they are still Dance Halls.

Where there is no dance hall,
there is no dance.
Language is the dance hall.
As soon as you step into the
dance hall, you are dancing.
Some would sy we are always
within the dance hall.
That is their dance hall speaking.
Some would say there are space/times
we are not in the dance hall.
The Dance Hall of no dance hall.
How does that go? 
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
Where can I find a man with no words 
so I can have a word with him.

We build vast structures then
swing and dance within them.

Adam named the animals. Until then,
they did not know what they were capable of.

"Mystics are men who by their own inner experience and their speculation concerning this experience discover new layers of meaning in their traditional religion." -- Scholem, On the Kabbalah 
and Its Symbolism, p. 32

My experience at age 12 whether considered "inner" or "out of the body" or both, did not focus on the angelic or higher realms of mystical consciousness but on the Earth. I was "out there' looking at the Earth. My body was the Cosmos, yet not THE Cosmos, but a point of view. My body was the Cosmos, no differentiation, infinity in every "direction," while being a specific view point, a location.

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