Sunday, November 21, 2010

dear unborn kin

Dear Unborn Kin,

We fiddle with superficiality while the earth burns. No help and none anticipated from politics: clowns to the left of us and jokers to the right, to quote Mister Bobby Dylan. The schizoid rant of demagogues. Religion has gone down in flames. Its supposed replacement with ratio logic and the sciences of externality is not proving satisfactory. Big Pharm busily manufactures chemicals that give us cancer and other chemicals that promise its cure. We don't care as long as we can push full carts of junk from big box stores with our fat fat bodies to our awaiting dinosauric chariots. We don't care as long as we can keep stuffing our eyes and our mouths with trivia of so little nutrient we crave more, our hunger never satisfied. But we do care. Underneath we know something at the core is wrong. We know what we need is the light of wisdom and the heat of love. Many of us are looking to embody that light and heat. Close to the end of this dark age, we look to light a beacon so strong that allies from all over can land and help us. I know our light is seen. That is why I write to you. I know we will make it through and you will be here.

Your loving ancestor


  1. Here is a beautiful quote from Nasir Khusraw, Persian philosopher , theologian and poet (1004 - 1074) --

    "Now the Earth is dark, and when the Resurrection comes, it will be an Earth of light. . . . That other Earth is now hidden in the night, until the light rises upon it. It is said of the other Earth that the esoteric sodaility (fellowship) is founded upon it through firmness of faith -- in spirit, and by no means in a material sense. That Earth is dark today, but it will become Terra lucida, and the darkness of the contradictory literalist exegeses will be dissipated by that splendor of light."

  2. Well put, George.

    As to your assessment of our world, I could not agree more.

    As to your vision of the future, I pray you are correct.

  3. George,

    It could go either way. We could go either way - extinction or boddhisatva one and all. I hope for the latter. It seems that it may be a painful birth though, for most of the race.


  4. John, birth is always painful -- for everyone -- ask the bud on a tree. Extinction and bodhisattva are one and the same.

  5. Greg, all prayers are greatly appreciated.

  6. I watched my mother pass this morning. The pain of birth leads to the pain of death. It seems, at this point, that all religions and all thinking boil down to this, coming and going. What is before? What is after? Why is there an inbetween? I see her empty vessel before me. Our spirits manifest in the physical world, momentarily, and return to their source. I have no great insight, no explanation, only a witness thereof, to the miracle of a life, the miracle of her death, the miracle of rebirth.


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