Thursday, March 28, 2019

Self Prediction

In learning the research methods of science as I was pursuing my doctorate in the late 60's (I was in my late 20's), I practiced the use of predictive equations. If I wished to predict X, I had to name and measure the variables that brought X into existence. For example, in my early research, I wanted to predict the degree of intimacy between any two people in conversation. The variables appeared to be amount of eye contact, voice tone, facial expression, physical distance, shoulder orientation, gestures, and so on. 
The task then was to measure the variables existing in different known levels of intimacy between a conversational pair. Which I did. Then to predict which of the three levels of nonverbal intimacy the pair belonged to. Which I did.
The same type of equation can be used to predict or describe the Self. Self = a + b squared - c + d cubed and so forth. Who are you? Let us say you are a Self, though we could just as easily, for these purposes, say you are an Oxymoron, a Wildebeest, or a Cinnamon Roll. It does not matter what we call you for purposes of depiction of your components but we have a certain degree of emotional investment in the word Self so let's use that.
What are the variables that make up the Self? EMOTION, of course. We could get into naming all the emotions but let's save that for later research. SELF TALK, both degree of self talk and quality of self talk. SELF FOCUS, degree of attention focused on self. OTHER FOCUS, degree of attention focused on others. This has to be divided into several variables: focus on claimed tribal members, focus on non-tribal members, focus on non-human life, focus on the planet, focus on the cosmos, focus on the Unseen, etc. PHYSICAL WELLBEING. And so on. You get the idea.
The equation would be Self = Emotion + Self Talk + Self Focus + Other Focus + Physical Wellbeing + Whatever Else Your Little Beanie Could Come Up With That Seems Relevant.
Who are we anyway? We describe ourselves on FB in ways that are glaringly obvious. It is easier in some ways to see who someone else is than who we are.
I will bet my bottom dollar (as the old expression goes) that none of us know who we are with scientific predictive equation certainty but we can flood FB with poetic phraseology of our circum stances (the circles around which we stand). We are ephemeral mists claiming a place in a particular schematic matrix of existence which we swear is Reality.

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