Friday, August 24, 2018

three dimensions of reality

The World: The creation by humans based upon the lowest form of spiritual awareness primarily concerned with dense matter, its ownership, and its maneuvering. 
When Jesus' disciples were pressed about the paying of taxes, they came to him for guidance. He said, Give me a coin. (Evidently Jesus did not carry pocket change. He was interested in a different kind of change.) Someone flipped him one. He said, Whose image is on this coin? They said, Caesar's. He flipped it back and said, Give Caesar what is Caesar's, give God what is God's, and give me what is mine.
Three dimensions of reality: the world (Caesar's); the ORIGIN (that upon which no labels, no sticky notes can stick); the human (whose heart is open to the ORIGIN). 
Arranged in descending order (toward lower spiritual awareness), the three dimensions are (1) ORIGIN, (2) the ORIGIN aware human, (3) the world (humans obsessed with dense matter).

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